Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Martial law severely punished, he felt a little afraid, however, he thought of the checkpoint of that company commander sounded a gust of gunfire, it seemed that his fault and the company commander is much more slightly than he dared to order called the soldiers to the Army opened fire on the Department of Executive, this is not committed a mortal sin! why these military soldiers do not fight back? he asked quickly Jia peeling:
Staff, we Baolian even Sun Houwen venture to package the day, he actually on your gun? Jia skinned, without a word, his eyes still staring straight ahead. After a moment, he seems to have thought of this platoon leader Shen monkeys to what he said.
Shen monkeys want to stir the hatred of the military chief of the Sun Houwen,oakley coupon codes, such hatred for the purpose of personal grudges, but he and Sun Houwen. So he put some emotion.
Jia stripping in the car and says loudly: Shen monkeys thought it was the military's General Staff thought just gunshots hair on fire, he hoped that this anger is growing, when the military's General Staff may be called the car U-turn away the Sun Houwen executed.
He said: His voice faded, Jia peeling seems a rare blast of temper, but he is only in the manufacture of shot Jiang platoon atmosphere, he fiercely cried:
Driving squad leader suddenly hesitated, this army general staff how to ask to clear red soap white Shen monkeys shot it? He was Mengran,packer jersey, was shaking the car began unsteadily on the road.
The driving squad put the car in the side of the road.
Driving the squad seems to have seen what he ism, dragging the corpse of Shen monkeys. Just then, the the Jia peeling gun rang again, driving the squad down in a pool of blood.
Behind the four trucks have also stopped at the side of the road.
In a moment, in particular, team members were pulled from the truck driving the soldier's corpse thrown into a roadside ditch ...
Xi'an Hu Tsung-nan mansion.
Hu Tsung-nan is staying the room, the rapid ringing of the phone suddenly sounded. Hu Tsung-nan push arms naked Mistress, naked to the waist to climb over the white picket fence, grabbed the handset level cabinet, panting. Just with the small concubine Nazhen turned cloud carnival and rain, so that he failed to return to normalcy. on his forehead, Qin with sweat, the heart is still beating jumping.
Hu Tsung-nan grabbed the microphone, speak. He has more years of the sixties, however, was unable to withstand the temptation of the white carcass in the extreme state of excitement, the bedside phone suddenly rang, he had to indulgence tightly reined in the horse racing the stay rope.
In general

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